The magic of coconut oil

We all hear about how amazing coconut oil, and it's justified! Hair loss, skin care, hair care, dental care and even improving immunity againt infections, coconut oil is a true aly for your daily care. It is true that lately it is gaining more popularity and it's because it has unlimited wonders.

The components that make all the magic of the coconut oil are :

Vitamine E : 

An antioxidant that is essential for healthy skin growth, repairing it deeply, keeping it smooth and prevents it from aging. The multiple properties of vitamine E towards skin care and health care are endless. Coconut oil has 0.3 mg of vitamine E per 100grams, making it the best aly to skin hair and nails with it's nourishing and protecting properties.

Vitamine K: 

Vitamine K is essential to keep skin elasticity and aids the body's process of blood clotting. It gives your skin the proper treatment to smooth fine wrinkles in corners of eyes, helping the structure of the skin be balanced enhancing it's color and fighting dark circles discoloration. When used regularly, coconut oil is the best to stop seepage permitting the skin tissue to heal itself, giving it an outstanding glow. With it's regeneration properties, vitamine K makes coconut oil perfect for the regrowth of our hair strands and prevent hair loss.

Saturated fats : 

Due to the presence of saturated fats in coconut oil, it keeps the skin smooth to the touch and also retains the moisture content of the skin making your skin both healthy and smooth. With 87g of saturated fats per 100 g of coconut oil, it keep a perfect balance for all types of skins ginving it tone and a youthful look by helping to keep your connective tissues strong and supple.

Capric / Caprylic/ Lauric acid: 

These three fatty acids are not very different from saturated fats but they have their own properties. Disinfectant and antimicrobial, they protect the skin from microbial infections and so can be both used on open wounds or for more daily use like acne. Furthermore, they are perfect to reduce excess fat and stretch marks as well as tone the whole body. It is also perfect for your hair to keep a clean scalp and nourish you hair deeply.


Proteins contribute to cellular health and tissue repair which keeps skin healthy and rejuvenated. Proteins also guarantees a good rate of replacement for damaged cells on the skin and make it easier for scars to heal

Thanks to these various components of coconut oil, here are some of the ways you can use it to let it's magic work through your body:

Moisturizer : 

Apply it directly on the area to moisturize, the best thing about coconut oil is that it works for all types of skins and hairs, penetrating deeply into it without leaving it oily.
It is best to apply it on your face at night before sleep to give your skin enough time to benefit from coconut oil.
You can also use it after every shower to your whole body instead of body lotion.
You can both use it before and after shower to your hair. Before your shower, apply an enough amount of coconut oil to you hair and your scalp, massage you hair to help the coconut oil penetrate deeply and wrap it in a towel that you will previously wet in hot water. Leave it for a couple of hours and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. It will help with healthy growth of hair and will give it a shiny quality as it works as a natural conditioner. After shower, apply a nut of coconut oil to your hair to keep it hydrated, it is perfect for curly or dry hair.

Lip Gel:

For people that suffer from cracks in their lips, coconut oil is the best source to help repair the damage, soften the lips and give them natural glow. You can apply it directly, at any time of the day.


Antibacterial properties of coconut oil makes it a good aly for oral hygiene. It stops tooth decay, reduce plaque formation and helps you to have strong teeth and have a healthy oral environment.
You can eather mix 1/2 cup of coconut oil with 2 table spoons of baking soda or 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1/2 tablespoon sea salt, and use it as your daily toothpaste.


Coconut oil fights bacterias so it can be used as a homemade deodorant. With it's beautiful smell and it's antibacterial properties, it will provide you with a natural beautiful smell the whole day. You can eather use only coconut oil, or mix 3 Tablespoons of coconut oil with 2 Tablespoons shea butter to thicken the mixture.


The repearing propertiers of coconut oil and the fact that it helps the body's process of blood clotting makes it a good natural way to get rid of dark circles around the eyes. Use it daily directly around your eyes before to sleep and wash it in the morning.

Make up remover :

The oily soft texture of coconut oil and it's antibactirial properties can be put to use as a make up remover. The advantage it that as you are removing the make up, you are also moisturiwing your skin, which makes it doubly beneficial to the face.

Body / face scrub: 

Mix in equal parts coconut oil and sugar to use it as a body or face scrub. It will remove scurf and soften you skin. You can also mix 3 TS of coconut oil with 2 TS of sea salt to scrub your feet during pedicures and rub on cuticles to help nails grow.

Wound healer: 

Apply it directly on the wound to help it heal properly and not leave scars. It will also help you fight infections that might occure during the healing process. It forms a layer that protects the body part from external chemicals, bacteria and viruses which makes it highly effective on bruises, wounds and even infected body parts.
It can also help heal sunburn and scraches, speading the healing process of the damaged skin.
Used on a dealy basis, it resolves acnee and helps the skin recover from it.


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